
New Bioremodelling Filler is Here!

by | Aug 24, 2022 | Blog

We are excitedly awaiting the arrival of our first batch of this product now new to Australia.


We can’t tell you the name of it due to TGA requirements, but we can tell you what it does!


What is it?

It’s a filler….but not like any filler you may currently know. It does have hyaluronic acid like all other fillers in Australia – in fact it has the highest percentage of HA over all other brands meaning it draws lots of moisture in. BUT the really cool part is it’s bioremodelling molecules that actually help your own skin produce more collagen and elastin. It turns time back on saggy, crepey skin and evens out skin damaged by acne scarring.

How does it work?

It’s been described like ‘liquid honey’. The procedure is very quick and uses minimum injection points. The product is placed just under the and spreads out for instant glowy results that just keep getting better.

How many treatments will I need?

Patients are recommended to have 2-3 treatments a month apart and then every 9-12 months the course is repeated again.

What are the risks?

The good news is there is no downtime. The main risk may be a small bruise at the injection site. Like any injectable treatment there is a risk of infection at the injection site and patients are encouraged to avoid makeup for a day after the treatment or let one of our friendly team reapply our Oxygenetix makeup which is TGA approved after treatment.

There have been over 14 million cases performed overseas with nil serious reported complications – a very impressive safety record.


$900 per session. Packages are being considered so watch this space!

Vida Glow